Friday, March 20, 2009

Life in the fast lane

Oh me! There's never a dull moment with Hunter around! By the time 4pm rolls around, Hunter has opened and emptied every drawer and cabinet in the kitchen, bathroom and living room, has fed the dogs (and himself) a few dog biscuits, has scattered toys across the entire house, has had a nap or two (to recharge), and has attempted most of the no-play zones. And I don't mind at all! Some days are a little more challenging than others, but most of our days are fun, busy and easy. Hunter is such a sweet boy. His laughter is contagious. He and Tucker are the best of friends. Tucker is an independent pup and doesn't warm up to people much, so it's really fun to see the bond between these two guys. I'm having the time of my life! My posts will be out of order, but soon I'll post photos from our last family trip to the mountains.

Hunter insisted on feeding himself an entire bowl of oatmeal!

Notice the striped bowls? He stacked them all just like they were in the cabinet!

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